Plugin Info
Author(s): Michael Daum
Version: 2.10
This implements an alternative tabpane widget. There
is already one in
jquery-ui, however as long as jquery-ui is still in flux, this alternative
offers a safe substitute well integrated into Foswiki.
Individual tabs can be loaded on demand using a REST call. Installing
Foswiki:Extensions/RenderPlugin is recommended for that.
Tabpanes can be nested. Tabs can be extended in height automatically.
Heights can be auto-updated to follow windows resize events. Tabpanes
can be established as part of reloaded content via ajax.
Note that this widget does
not participate in jquery-ui themerolling.
It does match
JQueryButton in terms of look & feel.
This macro starts the tabpane, containing a series of TAB...ENDTABs and ends with ENDTABPANE. A complete tabpane normally looks like this:
%TAB{"tab 1"}%
%TAB{"tab 2"}%
Multiple tabpanes can be nested using the following scheme:
%TAB{"tab 1"}%
%TAB{"tab 1.1"}%
%TAB{"tab 2"}%
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
select |
number or id of tab to select |
1 |
automaxexpand |
resizes the tabpane to the maximum height to fit into the window |
off |
minheight |
when automaxexpand is enabled, this is the minimum size a tab is allowed to be resized |
230 |
class |
extra class: use simple for a non-3D tabpane; use=plain= for a no-frame look&feel |
animate |
enables/disables animation of switching tabs |
off |
remember |
enables/disables recording the current tab into the url anchor, as well as initialize the currently selected tab reading the anchor |
off |
JQueryTabpane for more examples
This closes a previously opened TABPANE.
Defines a tab inside a TABPANE area; must be closed using ENDTAB.
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
"text" |
label of the tab |
Tab |
before |
when switching tabs, this is the javascript fragment to be executed just before the tab is displayed |
after |
this javascript handler is to be executed after the tab has been made visible |
afterload |
this javascript handler will be called when content loaded asynchronously (using the url parameter, below) has finished loading; depending on the network latency, this can be significantly later than execution of the after handler above |
id |
id of this tab; this id can be used in the TABPANEs select parameter to display this tab; this id is also added to the class attribute of the html element representing the tab button |
url |
link from where to load the content of the tab asynchronously when selecting this tab; the result of the addressed handler will replace the content area; if no url is set the content of the TAB ... ENDTAB area will be shown when the tab is selected |
width |
width of the tab area |
auto |
height |
height of the tab area |
auto |
container |
element where ajax content will be loaded; this is only used together with url |
ENDTAB -- ending marker for a tab of a tabpane
This closes a previously opened TAB.
JavaScript API
DOM node has got an instance of the
javascript class attached to it that implements its behaviour.
This instance can be accessed via the HTML5 data attribute
var tb = $(".jqTabPane").data("tabPane");
The returned object
can then be used directly to control the related
DOM. The most useful methods are listed below:
Method |
Description |
getNextTab([selector]) |
get the next tab following the current one or the one specified by selector |
hideTab([selector]) |
hide the current tab or the one specified by selector |
showTab([selector]) |
show the current tab or the one specified by selector |
switchTab(selectorOrObject) |
switch to the tab specified by a selector or a tab object |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet
tellus id ante pretium aliquam. Etiam interdum, turpis in varius facilisis,
nibh neque tincidunt sapien, et viverra libero justo et leo. Pellentesque et mi
tristique ligula suscipit suscipit. Donec et tortor. Integer eros eros, commodo
in, aliquam sit amet, facilisis et, magna. Sed nisl. Pellentesque mattis, quam
ut nonummy rutrum, sem felis ultrices nunc, sed mollis dolor diam et purus.
Aenean urna. Morbi eros. Quisque mauris magna, rhoncus vitae, ullamcorper ac,
volutpat quis, nibh.
end of tab 1
Donec ultrices mollis velit. Integer sed eros. Nulla venenatis laoreet leo.
Etiam consectetuer, odio sagittis pharetra ornare, est nulla nonummy nisl, quis
ultricies nisl elit quis justo. In dictum interdum est. Duis accumsan, nibh
mollis commodo rhoncus, ante orci dapibus purus, at pharetra est massa et
velit. Fusce ornare nibh ut magna. Nunc sollicitudin, purus et eleifend
consectetuer, lectus justo faucibus arcu, et cursus velit felis eu lorem. Nulla
aliquet, turpis accumsan feugiat congue, mi arcu ultrices ligula, id ultrices
sem elit sed lectus. Curabitur dignissim, dolor non sodales luctus, mi magna
tincidunt tellus, at bibendum mauris magna dapibus metus. Donec et libero at
erat bibendum blandit. Proin enim nunc, rutrum et, congue mattis, ultrices at,
end of tab 2
Sed a nisi. Maecenas posuere vehicula orci. Proin purus. Nulla condimentum
laoreet pede. Morbi sodales, nunc a vestibulum dignissim, lectus felis varius
nisl, vitae lacinia sapien dui nec massa. Fusce tempus. Vivamus ac mi. Integer
leo. Proin blandit est et sem. Quisque mi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad
litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nunc imperdiet
viverra purus. Aenean ut turpis ut nibh varius adipiscing.
end of tab 3
Sed non ante non nibh pharetra facilisis. Curabitur ut odio. Suspendisse
potenti. Fusce aliquam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Etiam lacinia, sapien ut volutpat
lobortis, nisi ante auctor quam, vitae placerat dolor arcu dictum massa. Donec
dolor. Cras eget dolor. Curabitur id nunc non purus tristique iaculis. Vivamus
sit amet sapien. Intege
end of tab 4
velit. Fusce ornare nibh ut magna. Nunc sollicitudin, purus et eleifend
consectetuer, lectus justo faucibus arcu, et cursus velit felis eu lorem. Nulla
aliquet, turpis accumsan feugiat congue, mi arcu ultrices ligula, id ultrices
sem elit sed lectus. Curabitur dignissim, dolor non sodales luctus, mi magna
tincidunt tellus, at bibendum mauris magna dapibus metus. Donec et libero at
erat bibendum blandit. Proin enim nunc, rutrum et, congue mattis, ultrices at,
consectetuer, lectus justo faucibus arcu, et cursus velit felis eu lorem. Nulla
sem elit sed lectus. Curabitur dignissim, dolor non sodales luctus, mi magna
tincidunt tellus, at bibendum mauris magna dapibus metus. Donec et libero at
erat bibendum blandit. Proin enim nunc, rutrum et, congue mattis, ultrices at,
consectetuer, lectus justo faucibus arcu, et cursus velit felis eu lorem. Nulla
aliquet, turpis accumsan feugiat congue, mi arcu ultrices ligula, id ultrices
sem elit sed lectus. Curabitur dignissim, dolor non sodales luctus, mi magna
tincidunt tellus, at bibendum mauris magna dapibus metus. Donec et libero at
erat bibendum blandit. Proin enim nunc, rutrum et, congue mattis, ultrices at,
tristique ligula suscipit suscipit. Donec et tortor. Integer eros eros, commodo
in, aliquam sit amet, facilisis et, magna. Sed nisl. Pellentesque mattis, quam
ut nonummy rutrum, sem felis ultrices nunc, sed mollis dolor diam et purus.
Aenean urna. Morbi eros. Quisque mauris magna, rhoncus vitae, ullamcorper ac,
volutpat quis, nibh.